Interparking Group

International strength

Contipark is part of the Brussels-based Interparking Group, which is one of the industry leaders in Europe in the field of parking-space management. Interparking is currently active in nine European countries: Belgium, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Poland and Romania. The group operates approximately 1,000 parking facilities with more than 418,000 parking spaces.

Interparking – Europe-wide success

Interparking has been writing its success story since 1958. Founded as a family company by Claude De Clercq in Brussels, the Group still has its headquarters in the heart of Europe.

The majority shareholders of Interparking are now the Belgian company AG Real Estate (the real estate subsidiary of AG Insurance) and the Dutch pension fund APG. The De Clercq family still owns ten per cent of the shares. Their commitment and expertise in the field of parking are an ideal complement to the financial strength of the two main investors. This shareholder structure enables Interparking to be competitive in the market on a sustainable and long-term basis.

Success through expertise and passion

Contipark has been a parking expert for more than 50 years.